Query Tools

Query tools accept model functions and use them to generate GraphQL queries.

query(...models) | mutate(...models)

Generate a GraphQL query

    Animal("Pets", Cat)
).then(res => {})


Modifiers are functions that can be called on query tools. Modifiers return the query tool which allows them to be chained.

endpoint(url: string)

Change the endpoint the request will be sent to

headers(headers: object)

Add request headers to the query

api(fetchApi: Function => Promise)

Change the api used to make fetch requests

mock([shouldMock: boolean])

Set whether the request should be mocked or not. shouldMock defaults to true when called

debug([shouldDebug: boolean])

Set whether the request should console.log debug information while making the request. shouldDebug default to true when called

throwOnErrors([shouldThrow: boolean])

Set whether the request should reject the promise when the GraphQL response contains errors. shouldThrow defaults to true when called

generate(cb: Function)

When set, the generated query will be given to the callback

then(cb: Function)


When called, the request will be made. This returns a promise and the callback will be given the request response and an augmented normalize function


).then((res, normalize) => {
  return normalize(res.data)
}).then(normalizedEntities => {
normalize(cn: Function)


Identical to .then except that it automatically normalizes the response before resolving


There is another convenience query tool called fetch. This can be used to make a normal REST request where the expected response is formatted according to the model schemas.

The only difference is that a graphQL query is not generated. The body of the request must be provided manually. In addition to the modifiers mentioned above, this tool has a few additional modifiers.

method(method: string)

The method to use when making the query. Can be GET POST HEAD UPDATE

body(body: object)

The body of the request. Automatically serialized

results matching ""

    No results matching ""