Modelizr(options: object) => Client

The constructor for this library. Accepts model schemas and some configuration options. Returns the query tools and model functions


models object

A collection of schemas that will be interpreted by Modelizr

import { Modelizr } from 'modelizr'

const Person = {
  normalizeAs: "People",
  fields: { ... }

const client = new Modelizr({
  models: {
    Person: Person
  config: {

config object

Global configuration properties

endpoint string required

The endpoint to send requests to

mock boolean

Whether or not to mock all requests. Defaults to false

debug boolean

Whether or not to enable debugging. Defaults to false

throwsOnErrors boolean

Whether or not to throw an error when a GraphQL response contains errors. Defaults to true

Throws a GraphQLError:

import { GraphQLError } from 'modelizr'


  .then(res => { ... })
  .catch(e => {
    if (e instanceof GraphQLError) {
      // contains graphQL errors
api Function

Replace the fetch api used internally with a custom one. Have a look at the Modelizr Fetch Api to see what Modelizr expects.


The client that is constructed contains query tools and model functions generated from the provided model schemas

import { Modelizr } from 'modelizr'

const {models, query, mutate, fetch} = new Modelizr({})

results matching ""

    No results matching ""